Paris Fintech Forum Communities


Wilfried Verstraete

Euler Hermes





Professional Career

2007 to date Allianz Group

April 2009–to date Euler Hermes, Paris – France
• Chairman of the Group Board of Management and CEO
World leader in trade credit insurance solutions, 2.6 bn of revenues and +300m net profit

2007–2009 Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty, Munich, Germany
• CFO, member of the board of management
Insurance carrier of the Allianz Group specialized in major and specialty risks, 3,000 people, turnover 3bn

2004–2006 Atradius N.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands
• CEO, chairman of the board of management
International credit insurer, 3,400 people across 40 countries, turnover EUR 1.3bn

1996 – 2004 France Telecom Group
CFO successively at Orange, Wanadoo and Mobistar

External Board mandates

• 2017- to date Orange Belgium (stock listed), Board of Directors and member of the Strategic Committee

• 2007-2016 Immobel, stock listed real estate developer

• 2004–2012 Zain Africa, Telco operator in 17 African countries, chairman of the audit committee


• Diploma in Economic Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Belgium (1981)
• Master in Corporate Financial Management, Vlaamse Economische Hogeschool Brussels, Belgium (1984)
• International Executive Program, INSEAD, Fontainebleau (1994)
• Advanced Corporate Strategy and Management for CEOs, INSEAD, Singapore (2006)
