Paris Fintech Forum Communities


Yves-Gabriel Leboeuf






Yves-Gabriel Leboeuf is the co-founder and CEO of Flinks — and he is on a mission to accelerate innovation in the banking and financial services sectors. Under his leadership, Flinks develops tools that enable smarter and better access to financial data.


YG is regularly asked to share his insights on how data and tech can empower businesses to provide better financial services. He has been invited to deliver speeches at the Paris Fintech Forum, the Rise of AI in Germany, the Canada FinTech Forum, CIX Toronto, the Canadian Payments Innovation Forum, and the Payments Canada Summit — among many others. He currently sits on the AMF’s (Québec''s securities regulators) Technological Innovation Advisory Committee.


A serial entrepreneur at heart, YG feels as much at home discussing with finance executives and fintech CEOs as he does in the last mile of an Ironman competition.
