Paris Fintech Forum Communities


Nick Ogden



United Kingdom


An entrepreneur with over 30 years of experience in banking, payments, and fintech, Nick Ogden is internationally recognised as the inventor of e-commerce, building the world’s first e-commerce store, the Wine Warehouse in 1994. Nick is the founder and Chief Executive of validates liquidity transparency around transactions matched to multi-currency payment instructions. aims to deliver transactional integrity, security, risk reduction, and settlement finality to central and commercial banks globally. Nick is the founder of ClearBank and serves as a main board director. ClearBank® is the first new UK clearing bank in 250 years. Founded in 2014, ClearBank® serves regulated financial institutions in the UK and employs 300 people in London. Prior to ClearBank, Nick founded and led two other significant Fintech companies. The most notable of these is WorldPay, which he launched in 1997. The first internet payment service to guarantee transactions worldwide, Nick led WorldPay to grow to over 270 employees, and 20,000 customers across 120 countries and e-commerce transactions more than $2 billion per year. During its development from 1994, Nick Created BarclaySquare, a Joint venture with Barclays Bank which was the first bank endorsed e-commerce shopping mall in the world. Following WorldPay, Nick founded the Voice Commerce Group, which launched VoicePay a biometric payments platform in 2007. VCG became the UK’s first non-bank payments institution, in 2009. Re-branded as Cashflows, it became the first European non-bank principal member of VISA and Mastercard and an agency bank under agreement with HSBC. Nick has been recognised for many industry awards including the UK Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award, the Computer World Global IT Leaders award, the ID People Awards, the National Business Awards UK Entrepreneur of the Year, The EPA 2017 Payments Industry Contributor of the Year Award and the 2107 Banking Technology Tech Leadership Award. Nick was the winner of the 2018 Payments Pioneer Awards and highly commended in the City AM UK Entrepreneur of the Year Award. In 2019 Nick was selected as one of The World's Top 50 Innovators, a CODEX initiative held at the Royal Society in London and in October 2019 he won the UK Payments Pioneer Award and the 2020 Industry Master Award in the Fintech 50. Nick is non-executive chairman, of ING backed Funding Options, a non-executive director of Visa® backed ShieldPay, Executive Chairman of and President of

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