Paris Fintech Forum Communities


Xavier Gomez






Xavier Gomez is co-founder and COO of INVYO. In 2017, he founded INVYO, a SaaS company that uses machine learning and Natural Language Processing (NLP) to help financial institutions see tomorrow''s opportunities in Financial sector, with his longtime friend Alexandre Velut. Back then, both shared a vision that Data analytics will empower human intelligence. He is also Co-Editor-in-Chief at Invyo Insights powered by INVYO, a global provider of Fintech insights and analysis.

Before INVYO, Xavier worked for banks, in Credit Suisse in different top management position (wealth management and Investment banking) between London, Paris and Zurich, and in Pictet as global multi-asset portfolio manager.

Xavier has master from ISC – Institut Supérieur du Commerce (Master Graduate School Management – Finance) in 2000. He holds a certification from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) specialization Fintech (2016) and is a graduate of HEC Paris in Private Equity (Leadership Executive program in Private Equity in partnership with AFIC - French Association of Private Equity) in 2017.
