Paris Fintech Forum Communities


Philippe Collombel

Partech Venture

Managing Partner




Philippe Collombel is Co-Managing Partner at Partech, also responsible for the early stage fund. He joined early 2001.

Before joining Partech, Philippe managed the innovation and internet initiatives of the largest French retailer, Carrefour. He was the General Manager of its subsdiary e.carrefour.

Phillippe started his career at Accenture (formerly Andersen Consulting) from 1987 to 1998 where he became partner and participated in several major initiatives such as the launching of the strategic services division in Europe.

Philippe currently serves on the board of Mano Mano, Kantox, Lendix, Lima, Milleporte, Qapa, Secret Sales and TVTY.

Philippe has a long track record of successful trade sales such as BrandforFriends (acq. by Ebay), Cartesis (acq. by Business Objects/SMP), Dailymotion (acq. by Orange), Qype (acq. by Yelp), Meiosys (acq. by IBM), Travelprice (acq. by Lastminute), TVTrip (acq. by TravelClick), Compte Nickel (acq. by BNP Paribas).

Philippe is a graduate of the “Institut d’Etudes Politiques” of Paris and of the Kellogg Graduate School of Business. He also obtained a Master’s Degree in Economics and a Bachelor’s Degree in Law.

Philippe has three children. He is also very fond of History. Philippe loves sport activities: he is an avid skier, loves sailing, mountain climbing, tennis and golf.
