BenoƮt de Juvigny
AutoritƩ des MarchƩs Financiers
Secretary General
BenoĆ®t de Juvigny, 58, a graduate of HEC and IEP in Paris and a former student at ENA, began his career as Inspector of Finances at the French Ministry of Economy and Finance in 1984. After different posts at the French Ministry of Economy and Finance, he joined CrĆ©dit Lyonnais in 1991 where he held various posts specialising in corporate banking and corporate finance in Paris and Brussels. In 2000 he joined Hervet Bank where he was a member of the Executive Committee. In 2001 he was responsible for developing the strategic plan for the CCF-HSBC group. He became CEO of Dewaay Bank ādedicated to asset management- in Brussels in 2002. |