Paris Fintech Forum Communities


Julien Niquet






After a degree in engineering, Julien Niquet joined the Société Générale. For 10 years, he had worked as a Managing Director of the General Inspection where he developed a strong attraction for entrepreneurship and transparency in the financial sector. There, he met Benjamin Pedrini, his future partner.
Together, they imagined how to democratize savings and retirement schemes to SMEs and MidCaps.
In 2017, they created Epsor to offer a simple, flexible, affordable and digital solution for companies and employees.
In July 2018, they signed a partnership with Société Générale Securities Services as account keeper and marketed Epsor : the story begins !
A year and a half later, Epsor counts 50 employees, gathered +100M€ of outstanding and offers its solutions to more than 100 customers and +4000 employees.
