Paris Fintech Forum Communities


Joan Burkovic

Bridge Powered by Bankin'

Fintech entrepreneur



Joan Burkovic is the CEO and cofounder of Bankin' and Bridge. Bankin’ is the leading money management app in Europe with 4 million users in 4 European countries. Bridge is the leading open-banking technology in Europe. And with over 8 millions accounts synchronized daily in 4 European countries. Joan is the founder and spokesperson for the European Account Information Services association (representing the interests of the main European account information services actors to the European authorities). Joan had a front row seat at the negotiation tables in the creation of PSD2 legislation. He also cofounded the nonprofit association France Fintech whose mission is to promote and represent the French FinTech to the public authorities, the regulator and ecosystem. He is the cofounder and board member of the European Third Party Providers Association : a non-profit association representing the interests of bank-independent third party providers. Joan is finally board member of the Association Française des Établissement de Paiement et de Monnaie Électronique.