Bernard Spitz
Fédération Française de l''Assurance
Bernard Spitz is the President of the French Insurance Federation (FFA) since 2008, and he chairs the Club des Juristes Commission on Cyber Risks launched in September 2016. A Board member of MEDEF, he chairs their Europe and International cluster since July 2013, and oversees the Social Agenda of the B20 and B7.
He was an adviser to Prime Minister Michel Rocard (1988-91); a Maître des Requêtes at the Council of State (specialized in the media, communication and digital industry); an executive Director at the head of Canal+ (1992-96); and the Chief Strategy Officer of Vivendi Universal (2000-04).
Bernard Spitz has overseen a number of public reports and efforts, notably as rapporteur to the French Antitrust Authority, as Special envoy of the Finance Minister on digital issues, and as member of the French Economic & Social Council and of the Security Council.
He also wrote several books including Notre Etat (In Our State), with Roger Fauroux; C’est possible ! Voici comment... (It’s possible: Here’s How), with Michel Pébereau; Le Papy Krach (The Grandfather Krach) and On achève bien les jeunes (Our children betrayed). He has also been a columnist for several magazines and newspapers including Le Monde.
He is a member of the boards of Air France and Ecole Alsacienne, the President of the think tank Les Gracques and the Vice-President of the association
Bernard Spitz is a graduate of Sciences Po, ESSEC Business School and ENA.