Paris Fintech Forum Communities

F.A.Q. 2023

General information

  • The #PFF Leaders Summit:
    A conference event, including panel sessions and masterclass rooms as well as networking spaces.
    At the #PFF Leaders’ Summit, we prefer dynamic conversations between speakers during panels and interviews: we do not have keynotes.
    Most of the time, our panels gather directors of financial institutions, regulators, VCs and CEOs of Fintech from all around the world.
    NB: there is no exhibition nor sponsors demo at this event.
    More information at the #PFF Leaders’ Summit page.
  • The Paris Fintech Night: The official annual party of the Paris Fintech Forum Community.
    Open to all Premium, Ruby and Diamond tickets on May 30th.
    More information on the Fintech Night page.
  • The debate dinner: In an iconic Paris venue, attendees will first enjoy a champagne welcome drink. Then they will join the conference room for a short but insightful panel with top level international speakers. Finally, a 5 stars gala dinner will allow them to continue to network.
    By invitation only.
    More information on the Debate & Dinner page.
  • Women in finance Lunch: We'll gather 120+ women who have a leading role in the industry in Europe and men of power who support that fight for diversity. During this 2:30 hours 5 stars lunch we'll have insightful speeches and exchanges to feed the guests’ discussion for more diversity and inclusion in the world of Finance.
    By invitation only.
    More information on the Women in Finance Lunch page.

  • the Digital events and content broadcasting will be held online
    on our platform
  • the #PFF Leaders’ Summit will take place at the Champs Élysées, CCI Paris, hotel Potocki
    Click here to see the venue on the map.
  • The Paris Fintech Night, Women in Finance Lunch & Debate & dinner:
    > Venues for each of those events will be located in the heart of Paris. They will be sent to each confirmed participant by email.


  • Digital Panel & Speed meeting:
    – April 4th from 14:00 CET to 17:00 CET
    – July 4th from 14:00 CET to 17:00 CET
    – October 12 from 14:00 CET to 17:00 CET
  • Interview Video Series: bimonthly broadcasted on our platform and a few weeks later on our Youtube channel. 

In person: 

  • #PFF Leaders’ Summit :
    – May 30th and 31st
    – Doors will open each day from 8:30 am and close at 6:45 pm
    – The masterclasses will take place on day 2 afternoon from 13:30 pm CET 
  • The Paris Fintech Night: May 30th, from 8 pm CET to late night
  • The debate dinner: November 28th from 6:30 pm
  • Women in finance Lunch: October 10th from 12:00 pm

Paris Fintech Forum Communities is an exclusive series of events for all the actors of the financial industry, bank, insurance, regulator and Fintechs. At our previous editions, more than 65% of our attendees was CEOs / C-level or directors. Moreover, around 50% of participants came from abroad. Finally, our speakers are almost exclusively international CEOs and thought leaders from various sectors such as banking, insurance, finance, Venture Capitals (VCs), Fintech, regulators and institutions. 

You can find demographic and social stats on our attendees as well as the companies listings in the “Past editions” section of our website.

Yes, the program is constantly updated on our website. Specific agenda of the Leaders’ Summit will be only available by early May.

No, the Paris Fintech Forum targets the international market and tackles global sector topics. In addition, the organizers of the forum are always attempting to bring a majority of international speakers in the different organized sessions.

All sessions at the Paris Fintech Forum are held in English only (for online and in person events, including all kinds of content we produce).

Registration: tickets, invoices & payment

You can only register and purchase your ticket online on the registration page.

Yes, it is possible. However, the registration process should be repeated for each attendee and one form should be filled per attendee. Each person registered will receive only one ticket to attend to the online or in person event. 

Tickets are nominatives. We would cancel several tickets taken under the same name.
Please ensure that the right information is filled for each and every attendee (name, first name, email address).
NB: Tickets for the #PFF Leaders’ Summit are subject to validation by the organizer.

Please find all the details on our offers and fees on our registration pages

To avoid any misunderstanding, please note that 

  • Only the Diamond tickets give access to the full #PFF Leaders’ Summit .
  • The Ruby ticket gives you access to the second day afternoon of that event to attend the Master Classes. 
  • The other categories of tickets don’t give access at all to this in person Summit.

An “Early Bird” ticket is a discounted ticket from 30 % off to 10% off on “Essential, Premium, Ruby, Diamond” tickets prices depending on your registration date.

Warning! Early Bird tickets are available in limited quantity and each promotion has a deadline: don’t wait to get your tickets!

We do not plan to propose such kind of tickets.

Yes but only under eligibility conditions: we are offering “special prices” for Ruby Ticket (400€+VAT) and Diamond ticket (800€+VAT) for CEOs & co-founders of early stage fintech startups. 

Limitations and eligibility: 

  • This ticket is ONLY for CEOs & co-founders of fintech startups which fulfill the below requirements:
    • Startup offering products and / or services usually classified as FinTech, registered as an official company for less than 4 years, and having raised less than 10 M€, both as of 2023/01/01.
    • Only one ticket of that category can be bought by a given startup,
    • The organizer of the event remains the sole judge of the applicant’s eligibility.


There are no special Fintech prices for Essential & Premium tickets and there are no Early Bird promotions on those tickets categories.

No, there is no special price for students or teachers.

You can check what is included in each ticket category on the ticket comparison chart.

Once the ticket has been purchased and fully paid, a confirmation email with the event ticket will be sent to the attendee’s registered email address. Another email will follow, giving the information and credentials to connect to the Paris Fintech Forum platform for the specific online sessions and digital content such as the interview video series or past years replays. 

For the Ruby & Diamond ticket holders please notice that specific add-on tickets will be sent two days prior to the #PFF Leaders’ Summit with updated information if any. Make sure to check your spam inbox for emails from Paris Fintech Forum or Evenium, our registration platform. 

NB: in the registration process you may choose to give us a second contact who will receive your tickets in cc. Moreover, if the buyer is not the participant, he will also receive the tickets in cc. .

No, you do not. If you have a Ruby or Diamond ticket, you will be in our system to access the venue the day of the event. A valid ID with photo and the same name than the one on the ticket will be required to get your badge.

NB: with a Ruby ticket you will only be able to access the second day afternoon after 1:30 pm.

See ticket FAQ

How to use the platform

  • Click on the magic link you have received by email a bit after your ticket order payment, or just click on the login button on top of our website,
  • Once on the login page, enter the email address you gave when purchasing your ticket (this is the only email that will be valid to register), 
  • Create your password, 
  • You can then enter and enjoy the platform. 

NB: if you forgot your password, just come back on the same page and click on “reset your password”.

  • Please use the different menus we offer you: the header menu (top of your screen) gives you access to some quick links and additional features.
  • If you do not see all menu buttons you should use a larger screen and not reduce the browser window.

  • You are automatically registered for all the digital content of the year. You will only have to log in for each session. 
  • Keep the subscription of our mailing list to receive info on the agenda, sessions, networking demands… 
  • Please note that there won’t be any digital access to the Leaders’ Summit sessions.

For our ticket holders, we offer 2 main kinds of networking functions on the platform: 

  • Access to the Speed Meeting sessions: held 3 times a year (see the agenda) those sessions will allow you to randomly meet a new participant every 3 minutes through video calls. More info on the digital Panel & Speed Meeting sessions pages of our website,
  • See the attendees list and send direct messages: a few days around each of the 3 digital panel & speed meeting sessions (see below) if you have a Premium, Ruby or Diamond ticket, you will be able to access the attendees list and contact the participants through direct messages or video call meetings on the platform. 

Please note that we have more than 2000 tickets holders but not all of them connect at all sessions nor wish to answer to all messages.

If you have a premium or above ticket category for the 3 Digital Panel & speed meeting session you will have access to networking platform a few days before the live session (3 to 5 days) and 24 hours after the end of the session. Between each session you will be able to continue to exchange with the contacts you have already initiated but not to initiate new one in order to avoid spamming our community.

No, a dedicated on-site networking app will be proposed to our Diamond tickets holders to organize and manage their on-site meeting during the #PFF Leaders’ Summit.

  • Live stream: During the Live, you will be able to ask your questions to the speakers via the discussion module on the right of your screen. 
  • Video replays: they will be available between 8 and 10 days after each digital panel session.
    NB: There will be neither streaming nor replay for the Leaders’ Summit sessions. 
  • Video Interview Series: all episodes will be available on the platform. We will share a new episode every fortnight as of April 2023.

Language: the platform and all sessions will only be available in English.

Get involved (be a speaker, a sponsor or a partner)

Please fill out this form to be contacted by our team and get more information.

NB: we do not give the opportunity to pay to be on stage, our speakers are exclusively selected for the content they can share with the audience, and this is not included in our sponsorship package. Please find bellow the procedure to become a speaker. 

You are an association, a powerful media on the financial industry or an international hub dedicated to finance or Fintech, and you are willing to become one of the partners of the 2023 edition. Please fill out this form to be contacted by our team.

Our panels are almost exclusively dedicated to CEOs and directors of banks, insurance, regulators and Fintech. If you would like to join us, please complete this speakership request form. Please precise at the top of the form if you are a Fintech.

Please fill out this form if you want to apply to be on stage.

Once the form is filled, it will be assessed by our team. 

The #PFF Communities spans the whole of 2023 with a key highlight in May: the #PFF Leaders’ Summit. We will study the requests as they arrive and will keep you informed if it catches our attention for one of our formats, thank you in advance for your patience. However, the sooner we have your application, the sooner we can consider inviting you. 

NB: even if we make a few exceptions, we mainly welcome in our different formats CEOs & founders.

#PFF Leaders Summit

Schedule specifications

Panel sessions are from 9 am to 6:15 pm the 30/05 and to 5:15pm the 31/05 with different schedules depending on stages. Click here for more details.

Networking areas open all day long

No, there are no exhibition areas

  • Light cocktail Lunches and permanent coffee/tea service in the networking areas
  • Champagne networking hours will be organized at lunch time and from 6:15 to 7:15 pm the 30/05, from 5:15 to 7:00 pm the 31/05

Focus on #PFF Leaders Summit - Session Rooms

Different types of sessions are offered during the #PFF Leaders’ summit such as panel discussions, Fintech pitches, interviews, and master classes.

During panels and debates, the main actors of the market will express themselves on selected themes dedicated to ongoing revolutions in the financial and Fintech industry. All key topics will be addressed, among them a few examples: 

  • Future of Retail Banking,
  • Banks, tech giants & Fintech 
  • Disrupted payments,
  • Open Banking & Open finance,
  • The rise of Insurtech,
  • ID is everywhere,
  • Regulation: from painpoint to key asset,
  • Level playing field & sovereignty in digital finance,
  • What will web3 change in the Finance industry,
  • It is a data world,
  • Blockchain and crypto assets,
  • Cybersecurity & fraud,
  • Finance as a platform,
  • Wealth management: time for change?
  • Sustainable finance,
  • Finance for HR, the new gold mine?,
  • ...

Yes, the purchased ticket gives you access to all the session rooms. Please note that seats in each room are subject to room capacity & seats availability.

The program is available here.

The speakers announced on our 2023 speakers page are confirmed, in writing, to attend the forum. An announced speaker can exceptionally have a case of “force majeure” preventing him/her from attending but it is a rare case. Check here the confirmed speaker as of now

Focus on #PFF Leaders Summit - Networking App

  • View the full agenda, discover the speakers and see the sessions details, the forum map and the sponsor list, 
  • Browse the participants list (if they registered in the app), 
  • Define who you are and who/what you are looking for, 
  • Find interesting people to meet (networking app algorithm or direct access), 
  • Propose meeting slots and book meeting spots on-site in the networking 1to1 lounge, 
  • Exchange messages with other attendees registered in the app (if they accept it), 
  • Access to all practical information (meals details, parties, ...)

The networking application will help you organize meetings and to find a place directly with the app. These meeting points are easy to find within the networking 1to1 Lounge.

No, as event organizers we do not provide this service.

Focus on #PFF Leaders Summit - Evening & Networking events

Focus on #PFF Leaders Summit - Food & Networking events

Focus on #PFF Leaders Summit - Media


Media get access to a Media Lounge during the event to organize their meetings. If you would like to meet someone in particular or answer a meeting proposal you could contact the different media through the networking app to request a meeting in the media lounge.


You can ask for your accreditation directly on our website by filling out our form from February. Every request will be considered. 

Be careful: don't ask for your accreditation at the last minute.

You can film anywhere BUT not in the conference. You will get access to a dedicated Media Lounge where you could also organize meetings and interviews.

Please be discreet during the event in order not to disturb our participants with your material and/or set up.

The best place to organize meetings will be the Media Lounge where speakers could come if accompanied by a journalist. It will be up to you to organize your meetings with the networking app.

Please note that the Paris Fintech Forum doesn't have a dedicated storage space for your electronic devices, the best place to store it would be in the cloakroom. You are fully responsible of your own devices, even in the media lounge.

Focus on #PFF Leaders Summit - Travel & accomodation

To enjoy the several side events and evenings happening around the #PFF Leaders’ Summit, we recommend you to stay from May 28th until June 1st, 2023. The #PFF Leaders’ Summit will start on May 30th, early morning and will end on the evening of the 31st. In addition to that, some French and European financial ecosystem actors organize related events during that Week.

No, we do not provide any discount on transportation.

The Hotel Potocki is located at 27 avenue Friedland, 75008 Paris

  • By car: there is a parking space near the venue.We strongly recommend taking public transportations: 
  • By subway (metro):
    > Ligne 1 / RER A: Charles de Gaulle Étoile Champs-Élyséeso
    > Ligne 1 : George Vo Ligne 2 : Courcelleso
    > Ligne 6 : Kleber
  • By bus: line 53, 11, 24

  • By car: an hour and a half between 07.00 AM and 09.30 AM or 05.00 PM and 07.30 PM.
  • By subway or bus: almost an hour.

No, we do not provide any assistance in this regard. We can only provide you with invitation letters once you have purchased your ticket. Please contact us at

Focus on #PFF Leaders Summit - Venue access & security

Please go to the registration area to pick-up your ticket, make sure you have your valid personal ID. 

If you wish to attend the first sessions, we advise you to come early to avoid long waiting time, a breakfast will be offered from 8:30 AM.

No: tickets are nominatives and cannot be transferred or modified. Entrance is allowed with the ticket and its corresponding personal ID.

Data & right to image

Data sharing policy - attendee list communication

The media list cannot be shared prior to the event as media confirmation always comes in last minute.

Consent to be photographed, photos & video broadcasting

As a registered attendee, you hereby authorize Altéir Event and its official photographers/videographers/Designers to photograph you within the context of the Paris Fintech Forum Communities 2023 for potential use on the website, marketing materials, social media accounts and in the press until 36 months after the event. You can read our terms and condition.

There might be some video footage during the event, but we do not plan to broadcast it. However that decision remains in the hands of the Organizer.

As of mid-June, the event photos will be published on our website for public access.

There won’t be any streaming nor replays of the #PFF Leaders’ Summit sessions.
